Psychoanalytic Therapy & Research Centre (PTRC) is an organisation that has been working in Mumbai for over 40 years, creating awareness about mental health issues and providing the requisite treatment to emotionally deprived and disturbed children, adults and their families
Our journey
The Indian Psychoanalytic Society was founded in Kolkata (then Calcutta) in 1922, a mere three years after the British Psychoanalytic Society was formed. The Psychoanalytic Therapy & Research Centre came into existence in 1974. Following is the journey & history of the organisation.
Early 1970
Networking around the world
In the early 1970s, a few psychoanalysts from Mumbai (then Bombay) attended the International Congress of Psychoanalysis in London. At that congress they met Dr. Donald Meltzer, one of the prominent members of the renowned British psychoanalyst Mrs. Melanie Klein's circle, who readily accepted an invitation to visit India. When Dr. Meltzer and Mrs. Martha Harris (then a Director at London's Tavistock Clinic) came to Bombay, it marked the beginning of a long and eventful connection between the British Psychoanalytical Society and the Bombay group of psychoanalysts. For the next 17 years, most of Mrs. Klein's prominent students and stalwarts like Betty Joseph, Mrs. Edna O'Shaughnessy, Dr. Eric Brenman, Mrs. Irma Pick, Dr. Michael Feldman, Dr. Iain Dresser and Ms. Paddy Daniel, came to Bombay to lecture and hold seminars for psychoanalysts in India. They contributed in imparting a long and comprehensive education in modern psychoanalysis to the Bombay group.
Foundation of the trust
In 1974, the Mumbai group of psychoanalysts founded a public charity trust called the Psychoanalytic Therapy and Research Centre (PTRC). The aim of the Centre was to promote the growth and development of psychoanalytical work with children and adults. The Centre was originally based in Taredeo, but in 1977 it moved to its present location in Fort.
Mid 1980s
Establishing links
By the mid-80s, the psychoanalytical group achieved semi-autonomous status when it became the Bombay Sub-Committee Board of Training, still linked with the Indian Psychoanalytic Society and affiliated to the International Psychoanalytical Association. During that period the Psychoanalytical Centre and Training was sustained by the efforts of dedicated psychoanalysts like Mrs. Minnie Dastur, Mr. Sarosh Forbes and Mr. Shailesh Kapadia. With the efforts of Mr. Sarosh Forbes, the Australian Chapter established connections with the Bombay branch which led the PTRC to begin its bi-annual Indo-Australian Conferences. Shortly after this, the Israeli Psychoanalytical Society also joined in these conferences. Apart from stimulating contact with the international community, these conferences have helped formulate and present the Bombay Group's scientific work to colleagues from other countries.
The start of something new
In 1995,Dr. Manek Bharucha and Mrs. Aiveen Bharucha, both Tavistock-trained Child Psychotherapists joined the team. In the same year, the Centre not only developed monthly Forum Meetings for all professionals working in the field of Child Mental Health but also began the Tavistock Model Bombay Course in Observational Studies. In 1999 the PTRC began the first Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training in India.
Beginnings in the new millenium
In 2002, PTRC launched its website and within the next few years they inaugurated two clinics –The Horniman Circle Therapy Centre and The Bandra Clinic - offering psychoanalytic psychotherapy to children and adults at reduced fees. In 2006 PTRC published the first issue of its Newsletter.
PTRC now
Continues to expand its already firm base of therapists and analysts by adding new therapists and analysts every year.
The development of the educational and training work of the PTRC is shaped by the widespread knowledge that effective practices in the fields of child and adult mental health depend on the skills of its professionals.
There is an increasing need for high quality and innovative training programmes for mental health workers and for professional groups within the Mental Health, Education and Social Work sphere, whose contribution is vital at the community level. PTRC aims to make a significant contribution particularly through its psychoanalytic psychotherapy training and the integration of psychotherapeutic approaches into the overall approach towards care and prevention of mental illness.
The Psychoanalytic Therapy & Research Centre (PTRC) is affiliated with the
International Psychoanalytical Association